Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Buy less, eat less, love more ()

Hello friend!

We need a radical change in lifestyle. We have to become a decent species. This change won't happen without you and me, and it won't happen without them.

Them. The individuals.

Expecting governments to declare climate emergency and take appropriate measures is not enough. There role is crucial, and there is only so much that they can do.

But if people don't change, societies won’t change.

Animal agriculture is an important part of the climate problem. The great power that has been making industrial beef farming grow and grow, deforesting and burping methane, is not sitting among world leaders at the United Nations. This great power is scattered. It belongs to millions of voracious mouths. Would these mouths accept to turn their daily consumption of meat into a weekly or bi weekly treat to save our lives and theirs?

They would do so, I'm sure, if all their neighbours did. All their neighbours would certainly do it as well, provided all they neighbours did. Most of us, members of the human species, conform. It's an instinct. We are only reasonable at the level of the tip of the melting iceberg.

 Below the surface, we are irrational beings. We respond to influences, for the better or for the worst. What we need is an epidemic of lifestyle change.

I wish to contribute my spark to a fire in the mind forest.

Of course, our climate problem is not a question of animal farming only. It almost all boils down to the fact that we are burning fossil fuels. We travel by plane, we are buying products made in factories still powered thanks to fossil fuels and shipped all over the world by means of fossil fuels. Renewable energies are on the way, that's great, but we don't have all the time in the world. We need to stop buying oil, and stop buying things that cost oil or gas, or coal...

You're going to tell me: "Wait! That's not possible! ...."

I agree. We can't stop buying. But it is always possible to buy less. Our footprints should be so light that they quickly disappear behind us.

Buying less, eating less goes with loving more. We really don't need that much to find reasons to smile. We only need to grow the right feelings and attitudes. We are gardeners of our minds. We can create happiness without burning oil. We can reduce our consumption of stuff and grow love and happiness in the process.

The greatest power is the psyche. 

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